It's fried!
Three big tests. Three down. Two Bs. And now I wait for the buggabooger of them all.
The bonding that occurs in a group of students mutually worried about failing a near impossible exam by a new professor is a beautiful thing. The expressions on the faces of this group is suprprising. Only a handful are grimacing. The majority of us are smiling, laughing, and realizing what is done is done. No use in cramming extra bits into our brains. It doesn't stop us from trying though. Hell, I even gleaned one tiny bit of useful info that did help me out. And the largest point question on the test came from what I learned in the last 20 minutes before I packed it in this morning. Time will tell if I remembered it correctly!
My eyes though, I think they are permanently damaged. Books, notes, and computer screens have been mere inches from my face for days and days now. Reality around me... wow. The government shut down? What the hell?
I'm off to the gym now...time to put a few miles in between me and dihybrid test cross ratios.